FTC Startup Guide

Introduction to this Guide

Who is FRC862 Lightning Robotics?

Our team is made up of students from Salem, Canton, and Plymouth High Schools, in Canton, Michigan, USA and competes annually in the FIRST Robotics Competition.

Our team started in 1999. Originally numbered Team 465 with less than 10 students, Team 862 has grown to have 100+ students, 20+ mentors, and several great sponsors including Jabil, Amazon, Nissan, and Robert Bosch LLC.

We have competed at every level of FIRST Robotics Competition, including winning the FRC World Championship in St. Louis and the FRC Festival of Champions in 2017. 

In addition to numerous robotics demonstrations throughout Plymouth, Canton, and Detroit, we raise funds for cancer research at Relay for Life and host our annual Robots in the Park event that features STEM activities and a chance to drive our robots for all visitors.

Why did we build this guide?

Each season, we host several FTC teams in our meeting spaces and provide them with student and adult mentors from our team, access to our machine shop, and general guidance about whatever will help them.

The goal of this document is to provide a reference for new teams – or new members of existing teams – about FIRST Tech Challenge overall, and specific information about what it takes to start and manage an FTC team. We have helped to start and/or mentor 25+ FTC teams in the USA, Libya, Morocco, and Australia. We would like to help your team, too.

What do I do if I have questions that are not answered in this guide?

Ask us! We would like this document to expand and evolve over time. We want to hear from you about whatever else would be helpful to you. We have some ideas about what to add, but the best items will probably come from you as you establish and grow your team.

How do I get in touch with Lightning Robotics?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LightningRobotics
Website: www.lightningrobotics.com/contact-us

Introduction to FIRST and FTC

What is FIRST?

FIRST is the organizing body that created and supports these programs:

Link to FIRST home page

Link to Vision and Mission of FIRST

What is FTC?

It’s much more than building robots. FIRST likes to call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have!”

Guided by adult Coaches and Mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles (like keeping an Engineering Notebook) while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and sharing ideas. The robot kit is reusable from year to year and can be programmed using a variety of interfaces. Teams also must raise funds, design and market their team brand, and do community outreach for which they can win awards.

Participants have access to tens of millions of dollars in college scholarships. Each season concludes with exciting FIRST World Championship events in Houston, Texas, USA.

Link to main FTC page

Link to FTC Team Basics

Team Formation

How much does it cost to be an FTC team?

Expenses vary between teams based on how active they are, how complex their robot becomes, and other factors. In the 2024-25 season, registration for teams in North America is $295 USD per team. Other expenses (before grants and other income) can range from $2,250-$5,000 USD.

Link to FTC costs general info page

Registration Includes:

Expenses include:

How does a new group register as an FTC team?

New groups need to identify two adult leaders that will act as the primary contacts with FIRST and coordinate team activities. After these adults are identified, teams can register with FIRST. Team rosters of students do not need to be completed before registration.

Link for Rookie Teams

Who can be on an FTC team?

Student Members

Adult Mentors

FTC Season Overview

When is the FTC season?

In Michigan, USA:

Registration and Pre-Season 

Early September
Kickoff (Game Challenge revealed) 

Build and Practice Season 

Qualifying Season

State Championship

World Championship Events

In the rest of the world:

Registration and Pre-Season 

Kickoff (Game Challenge revealed) 

Build and Practice Season 

Qualifying Season

State/Regional Championships 

World Championship Events

What happens during the FTC season?

Robot Challenge

Outreach to the STEAM* Community

(*Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math)

Outreach to the Robotics Community

Outreach to Your Community

Community Service

Competition Events

Where are the competition events?

What are the competition events like?

Arrival, Sign-In, and Inspections

Most events include time during the evening before robot competition for teams to arrive, sign-in with the event coordinators, set up their pit areas, and have their robot inspected by the event crew. You can also do those things at the beginning of the competition day. Check with your event organizer for their specific arrangements.

Inspections involve two parts:

Judging Session

The team will meet with a panel of FTC judges to present their team and robot. This presentation will cover all aspects of:


Each match is a head-to-head game. There are two Alliances – red and blue – each with two teams’ robots, for a total of four robots on the field together. The game changes each season, but the Alliance concept is the same. The game challenge video (see link below in Game Challenge section) describes this well.

Qualification Matches


Playoff Rounds

The elimination portion of the event uses a double-elimination bracket-style format. See section 13.6.2 of the FTC Game Manual for more information.

What does the robot have to do?

Basic FTC Game Structure

The basic game structure (field size and shape, order and length of game segments, etc.) remains essentially the same from year-to-year. 

Each match includes three periods:

Rules for FTC and Game Challenge

Each year, the official rules are published in the Competition Manual (often  referred to as the Game Manual). This manual includes the official details for how FTC works, general game structure, the season’s specific game, and much more.

Common Tasks/Concepts

All game challenges include some combination of moving the robot, controlling or manipulating game elements, moving game elements from one location to another, and sensing some aspect of the game field (light beacons, infrared beacons, lines, colors, AprilTags, etc.).

Game Challenge

The specific Game Challenge for FTC changes every year: There is a new theme, set of game elements on the playing field, set of scoring possibilities, and set of game rules.

Link to 2024-25 game challenge video

Robot Materials

Building Materials

Kit of Parts (KoP)

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)

In addition to the KoP, teams may use any raw materials or manufactured/processed items that do not violate any FTC rules. The main restrictions are:

Electronics Materials

Custom Parts

Teams can design and build custom parts for their robot. These are limited only by the team’s imagination and the rules related to materials, safety, and game play.

Robot Programming

Programming Language and Environments

FTC robots are programmed using the Java language. There are several methods for programming FTC robots:

Link to FTC Programming Resources

Strategy and Rules

In order to develop a successful game strategy, teams need to look at the overall challenge, then break it down into manageable pieces.


"What?" before "How?"


Every team’s building experience will be different.

Link to Robot Building Resources


Link to Robot Wiring Guide

Engineering Notebook and Engineering Portfolio

What is an Engineering Notebook?

One of the goals of FIRST and FIRST Tech Challenge is to recognize the engineering design process and the journey that a team makes during the phases of problem definition, concept design, system-level design, detailed design, test and verification, and production of the robot. Throughout the process of designing and building a robot, teams will come across obstacles, lessons learned, and the need to draw things out on paper. The team will use an Engineering Notebook to track the team throughout all stages of the season.

Engineering Notebook should include:


Why is the Engineering Notebook important?

The Engineering Notebook documents all of the team’s activity during the season. This includes team meetings, strategy, research, designs, testing, outreach, and plans for growth. A selection of items from it will be used to create your Engineering Portfolio.

Will the judges really read our entire Engineering Notebook?

The Engineering Notebook is not submitted to the judges, but they may request to see it, so you should take it to the competitions. Judges will review your Engineering Portfolio.

What is the Engineering Portfolio?

The Portfolio documents aspects of your team which you wish the judges to consider, including specific items that directly support the judged award criteria.

The Portfolio must:

Tips for Running a Successful FTC Team

Parent Involvement 

Involved parents are always beneficial to a team. They can help guide the build process, handle administrative aspects of running a team, and fabricate parts that may be too complicated and/or dangerous for students to make themselves. While parents can be a great help, it is a good idea to let the students try to accomplish the work on their own, and wait for them to ask for help. FTC is a great experience for both students and parents, but students gain the most by being hands-on and working through problems themselves.

Parents are especially important in keeping FTC teams running smoothly. In Michigan, FTC is for grades 6-8, and students will cycle through every three years and so will their parents. To keep an FTC team running for more than three years, parents of every student should try to help out and mentor. The lead mentor of a team can also work alongside and show future lead mentors some of the responsibilities in order to prepare them to take over the team in future seasons. 

Engineering Notebook and Engineering Portfolio

The Engineering Notebook is one of the most important parts of an FTC team. It is a great way to recap your season and build process. It can also help you win awards at competitions. The best way to make sure you have a complete Engineering Notebook by the end of the season is to add to it every day or meeting. Have each student write a couple sentences about what they did at the meeting and what they learned. Take lots of photos and collect drawings and diagrams to add to your notebook to visually show your progress throughout the season. The Engineering Notebook can be individualized based on each team, but most share common aspects including the build process, outreach in the community, and lots of pictures. 

The Engineering Portfolio relies on content from your Engineering Notebook. See the What is the Engineering Portfolio section, above for content and format details.


A great way to expand your team and recruit new students is by participating in outreach events in your community. Community service, demonstrating your robot, meeting with and/or touring businesses to see how they use STEM, and participating in STEM events are all ways to get your team involved. It can also get more students interested in robotics and FIRST. One great way to spread STEM and robotics in your community is by showing your robot to other students. You can set up demonstrations of your robot at schools, then give students the opportunity to see your robot up close, or even drive it. You can also create a short video or flier about your team to spread to schools or other groups to spark interest in FIRST.  

Judging Sessions

A way to win awards at competitions other than having a successful robot, is the judging sessions. Students will describe their season, team, and outreach to a panel of judges. 

Have your students prepare a script or speech and identify who will be saying each part. Practice before they go in front of the judges, and be creative! 

This presentation can be simple and direct, or fancy and complex. The most important thing is the content of the presentation, not the style. 

After you have practiced your presentation a few times, Lightning Robotics suggests you invite your team’s parents and siblings to help. You can do your presentation for them, and they can ask you questions. 

Does Every Student Need to Know Everything?

All students should have an understanding of all parts of their team. Students do not need to be experts in all parts of their team. The goal is to have every student be able to respond to any question. If they know the answer, they can give it to the judges. If they do not know the answer, they should be able to direct the question to another student who does know the answer, such as in the example below.

Question from Judge
How does your robot’s gripper work?

Response from Student “A”
The gripper has two parts that move to pinch the game piece. I work mostly on programming and know that it uses a single servo. Student “B” worked on the gripper and can tell you more about how it was built.

Continued by Student “B”
Our gripper uses a combination of gears to transfer the motion of the one servo to both of our grippers which we call hands. Each hand has a piece of foam on the surface that touches the game piece to improve the grip.

Questions from the Judges

Prepare your students for the types of questions they will be asked. 






PDF Version of This Guide

FTC Startup Guide by FRC862.pdf